5 Features a Good Construction Software Solution Should Have - Tnifc-Ecom

5 Features a Good Construction Software Solution Should Have

Project managers in construction companies have many details to keep up with, from tracking change orders to running meetings and managing budgets. In order to manage multiple projects and large crews without missing anything, a construction project manager needs to depend on construction software.

Construction software keeps important tasks and details organized in one place so that projects can move forward on budget and on time. They as well help stakeholders and team members communicate and collaborate along the way.

But before you make any buying decision, first sit down and decide what you want. This needs to include noting down features like the following:

1. Financial and Bid Management

One of the first steps for many construction projects is sending a bid. It is likely that you submit multiple bids, and in turn, your business is also getting bids from different sub-contractors.

After some time, keeping track of submittals and RFPs alone may involve a lot of juggling. This is why it is best to manage all these details through the right commercial construction software that boosts productivity and saves time.

You are also likely to track associated financial details throughout the bid approval and submission process. Plus, you can track project budgets, invoices, and tracking payroll, among others.

2. Scheduling

Regarding scheduling, there are many variables to look at about your employees, including their certifications and skills. However, using spreadsheets and whiteboards to manage this complicated process isn’t a must.

Rather, you may take control of the scheduling process through a modern drag-and-drop dashboard. It can also streamline how you send job details and assign workers while preventing double booking and worker compliance conflicts.

3. Checklists and Inspections

Although digital timesheets save construction contractors 2-3 sheets of paper weekly, many job sites still depend on paper inspection forms and clipboards. Different projects need a flexible building tool that can help contractors minimize paper clutter on site.

In addition, processing paper may take up to a month. But a digital tool will notify the right team when something needs to be taken care of, enabling faster responses and saving time.

4. Mobile Compatibility

Even construction companies that spend their time on the same job site every week reap the benefits of using construction software. However, projects in the construction industry take place on different sites.

Plus, construction software allows your construction business and team to access data anywhere and anytime. And as a project manager, you may monitor timelines and requirements in real time.

5. Document Management

Some construction contractors prefer separate project management functionalities, letting them adopt a bird’s eye view of projects while keeping track of every detail.

This functionality may also include types of details, like purchase orders, RFIs, permits, project management, proposals, and phase tracking of projects, to name a few.


When evaluating various construction software solutions, consider these features and determine those that are important to your company. Choosing a construction software solution that provides the functionalities you want will ensure a more efficient and smoother construction process.

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