Thought work is a leading provider of agile software development services. They have a strong reputation for their work with startups and SMEs. Their clients have a range of needs and budgets, but they find that they get the most value by working with actively growing companies. One of the key growth strategies has been to invest in content marketing. You can try SpotifyStorm to grow your Spotify channel. They have a number of channels through which we publish content, but one of the most effective has been LinkedIn. LinkedIn has become an increasingly important channel for them as it is used by many of their target audience, and they’ve found that it’s a great way to reach out to existing clients and prospects.
LinkedIn case study- How Thought works Used LinkedIn to Promote its Content Efforts
Over the past few years, LinkedIn has been working hard to improve its user experience. Their new content marketing strategy focuses on increasing the user’s engagement and providing them with useful information. This new content strategy is one of the reasons why LinkedIn has seen an increase in content engagement.
According to the infographic, the company has developed several new tools to encourage users to interact with content. One of the most important of these tools is the new Lead Gen Ads and content analytics. The company has introduced several changes to its lead generation ads. Now, companies can target leads based on their interests. The new ads are also mobile-friendly, making it easier for users to access them on their smartphones.
ThoughtWorks had to break through the noise of the content landscape to build readership for Perspectives. There was a need for a social strategy to generate awareness, search intent, and lead generation.
- ThoughtWorks used LinkedIn’s Audience Targeting prowess to promote the campaign and attract audiences based on job roles and company titles, in addition to an overarching content strategy that relates to business and technology executives.
- They discovered prospects that were similar to the topics covered in the publications by driving an Intent-based search result. They were able to nurture stronger quality and quantity of leads as a result.
- They were already established as practical thought leaders with actionable advice, so they used LinkedIn’s Lead Gen Forms to generate quality leads.
ThoughtWorks was able to increase its relevance amongst prospective readers because of a holistic content strategy and targeting capabilities.
- They generated 20 times more leads than any other platform combined.
- The majority of marketing qualified leads were acquired on LinkedIn.
- Half of the market average was the average cost per lead delivered.
- With a test-and-learn approach from previous campaigns, over 400 leads were generated by LinkedIn ads. Out of the total leads that have been generated to date, this is 66%.
- All editions received higher-than-average CTRs, ranging from 1% to 2.61%.
- New relationship avenues with other functions and business units also opened up, where ThoughtWorks increased its reach within focus accounts.
Final words
You have been introduced to the basics of LinkedIn Ads and have learned how to create ads that can make money. Now it is time to think about how you will use them. Remember to consider the audience you are targeting and the keywords you are using to reach them. It is a good idea to test various combinations of your ads and see which ones bring you the best results. Keep in mind that there are a number of things that can affect the performance of your ads. Use analytics to see what is working for you and to learn about the best ways to improve your results.
It’s important to remember that there are many ways to use LinkedIn to market your business. LinkedIn isn’t just for networking. You can also use LinkedIn to promote your company, your products, and your services. The key is to be consistent.